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CUT AND PASTE TEXT(include your voting district # that can be found when you use the legislator finder map and address)

The following letters may be used as is, or modified to suit your needs. They can be used as emails, (numbered title is for the subject line), texts, voice mails, phone statements or the best yet:


1. Keep the Electoral College, dump winner-take-all


Under the Constitution, Utah has the right to decide how to distribute its electoral votes. I know it may be difficult given the current political climate, but I urge you to support passage of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Overturn Utah’s winner-take-all law that has made our state irrelevant for the last 53 years in presidential campaigns!


With highest regards,



2. Utah wants its share of the election pie


Under the current winner-take-all system of the Electoral College, only battleground states like Colorado get all the benefits of presidential campaigns: millions pumped into their local economy, their state issues brought into the limelight and considered in federal policies after the campaign is over.


Support passage of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact and make the whole country a battleground nation where candidates must go everywhere, including Utah, to get every vote they can!


With sincere thanks,



3. Do I have to move to a battleground state?


The winner-take-all system of the Electoral College could be one of the most powerful voter suppression tools in existence. Imagine yourself being a Republican in a “blue” state or a Democrat in a “red” state. How long before you’d quit voting for president? The only real chance of having your vote count is to live in a battleground state.


Please, I don’t want to have to move to Colorado to make my vote for president count.






4. The National Popular Vote law is a state’s rights law


The National Popular Vote plan would be good for Utah, making it as important in presidential campaigns as any other state. If the President is the one who gets the most popular votes all over the country, then the candidates will come to Utah and we will have our voice heard.


We had over a million voters in Utah in 2020, that’s worth candidates showing up for!!!


Sincerely yours,



5. There’s a popular vote for governor, why not for president?


Every voter in Utah gets their vote counted for governor, why shouldn’t every voter in America get their vote counted for president? Every Republican’s vote, just as every Democrat’s and every Independent’s vote, becomes stronger when it joins the larger pool of others like it across the whole country.


Why is the election for President the only election that’s not a direct vote? Please support the national popular vote bill when it comes up in the Utah Legislature.


Yours sincerely,



6. Utah Republican or Democrat, my vote doesn't matter in presidential campaigns


If I vote Republican, it’s overkill, if I vote Democrat, it’s a waste of time. Make my vote matter by turning the whole country into a battleground state, where my vote is as important as a vote in Colorado or Nevada. Please do what you can to pass the National Popular Vote Bill in the Utah Legislature.


Thank you so much,


7. There’s less uncertainty in a national popular vote system for president


In the winner-take-all system of the Electoral College, every closely contested battleground state is a potential recount in the waiting.


A few hundred or even a few thousand contested votes in a national popular vote election would have no effect on the outcome where 137 million votes are cast.


In the current winner-take-all system, it could take just ONE vote to flip all the electoral votes of a battleground state from one candidate to another.


Please, support the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact in Utah’s upcoming legislative session.




8. Voter suppression or voter empowerment?


I know people who don’t vote for president in Utah because they know their vote doesn’t matter. I can only assume that many people in California feel the same way.


I urge you to help Utah lead the way for other states to end voter suppression and promote voter empowerment by passing the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact in our upcoming legislative session.


With all respect,



9. Constitutional Amendment not required


We don’t need a constitutional amendment to reform the Electoral College. All we need is to legally replace one state law (winner-take-all) with another (National Popular Vote). Please get Utah the attention it deserves in presidential elections by helping to make all votes, in every state, equal.


Thank you very much,



10. Electing the president by crapshoot


Did you know that in 2004, if John Kerry had won another 59,000 votes in Ohio, he would have won the Electoral College even though George Bush had a 3.2 million vote lead in the popular vote? It’s only a toss of the dice away before winner-take-all goes against a Republican candidate.


Is that how we should elect our President… by a crapshoot? Please support the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact!


Respectfully yours,




11. Say goodbye to flyover state status


With National Popular Vote, Utah can say goodbye to flyover state status forever. Over a million of us voted in 2016, that’s worth a candidate showing up for!


Utah may be considered a “small” state in the Electoral College scheme of things, but we can be a “big” state in the march toward making our next president, the whole country’s president without a doubt.


Please pass the National popular vote bill this session and let Utah show the way to getting every state the attention it deserves in the next presidential election.


All the best,



12. Electoral College’s winner-take-all makes candidates ignore most of the country


Under the system of “winner-take-all,” the modern Electoral College is not what the founders envisioned and does exactly the opposite of what its advocates claim, not protecting, but ignoring “safe” states like Utah where candidates have no reason to visit because they are sure to win or sure to lose.


Please support a national popular vote that would turn the entire country into a battleground nation, making a vote in Utah equal to a vote in Colorado.


Sincerely yours,



13. Electoral College vs. Popular Vote


In the 2016 election, four counties in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, just 76,000 votes (.06% of the total votes cast nationwide) flipped the Electoral College in favor of the candidate who lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. That’s almost exactly the population of Utah!!!


It’s time to take the power to determine the outcome of the presidential elections away from 10-12 battleground states and make the other 38 to 40 states (Utah included) relevant in the most important election in our country!





14. Popular vote loser, Electoral College winner


Our new president was one of the biggest popular vote losers ever! Something’s really not right. I want my vote in Utah to count. Please support the National Popular Vote bill this year in the Utah Legislature.


With highest regards,



15. Let’s make it a real race!


In every election cycle across the country, votes for president are cast and counted in every state, but when the race is called, millions of votes are legally cut off before the finish line because of winner-take-all. Let’s make it a real race where the best candidate with the best ideas will win the race!


Enact the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact in Utah and let EVERY Utahn’s vote count!


With high hopes,


16. Tyranny of the minority


Did you know that just 30% of those who voted nationwide in the 2016 election determined who would be president for the other 70%? That’s the 41 million voters out of 137 million total, that cast Republican votes in only the states that went red on election night. The 60 million combined votes of Republicans in blue states, Democrats in red states, independents, Greens and Libertarians everywhere, were made irrelevant simply because winner-take-all imprisoned them within their state borders.


Think about it, let it sink in… then support a National Popular Vote bill in the Utah Senate because the tables could be turned someday.


With all due respect,


17. Do you want more people to vote or not?


It is a fact, studies show that voter registration and voter turnout go up in battleground states during presidential elections because people know their votes will matter. In 2012 and 2016 battleground states had turnout rates 11-12% above the national rate.


Is it a good thing or a bad thing that more people vote in presidential elections? If it’s a good thing, support the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. If it’s a bad thing, then support the Electoral College winner-take-all.


I want my vote to count.



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